Before designing our magazine I have decided to research previous magazines and their layout and research, i have been analysing it in terms of medium, ideology, genre, representation, audience, institution and narrative more commonly known as M.I.G.R.A.I.N. Although i have not only analaysed and de consutruced music magazines but also other magazines within the industry for example, lifestyle and culture magazines and 'gossip' magazines. I have relised that most magazines have the same basic codes of construction i.e masterhead, plugs and covertitles, my first magazine that I had analysed was rolling stones music magazine featuring MTV well known programme the hills.
The masthead on this peice including the Title shaded with a light pink and outlined with white and then shadowed, this title from a fashion prespective enables the outfits that the actors are wearing to blend in with the title, the showing and outlined technique makes the title stand out even though the image has been layed partly over the title, the subtitle above the main title draws in the readers attention, as a different text format has been used and it has been italised, this can also be reffered to as the plug as this is obviously information extracted from a article inside. There are various cover titles again, with the intention to draw the consumer in, the main article feature obviously being the hills, which can possibly cross reference to lifestyle and culture as their's are most adirmable withthing their targert audience, another device used to draw in the consumer to buy it and many magazines may use this as a unique selling point, this being colloquial language, as we can see at the bottom of this magazine, it being 'OMG!Do they really totally hate each other?'. This also could be 'gossip' from the television series and so there viewers who watch this may purchase the magazine.
Secondly the characters that are featuring in the magazine again potentially give us an insight to their lifestyle and culture of the whole L.A california ideology and the glamour lifestyle. The main cover title 'The Hills' this has been bolded and had been increased in size making it stand out from the others, again emphasising that it is the main issue within the edition of the rolling stones.
I- The insitution of the magazine, is the rolling stones, this company was founded in 1967 in San Francisco, by Jan Weener who still remains editor and publisher. The magazine is mostly devoted to music, politics and popular culture, it is published every fortnight. Still today Rolling stones faces competiton today from other noteable music magazines such as NME and FHM. The magazine targets younger readers, and has started to offer more of a 'sexy' orientated content, often enforced by glamorus film stars, which just happens to be in the issue of Rolling stones, but also various artists and actors for another example would be Rolling stone's issue staring Zac Efrron (as pictured below)

Each of theses tites have appeared in different colours, this is a convention used by the magazine as it enables the title colour and the magazine colour scheme to blend in instead of clash!

Secondly the characters that are featuring in the magazine again potentially give us an insight to their lifestyle and culture of the whole L.A california ideology and the glamour lifestyle. The main cover title 'The Hills' this has been bolded and had been increased in size making it stand out from the others, again emphasising that it is the main issue within the edition of the rolling stones.
Analysation by the M.I.G.R.A.I.N model;
M- The medium that was used was a magzine, this was my first magazine that i have analsyed so for 'rolling stones' I only analysed the front cover, as i felt that that was the most important thing (although i will be analysing three others later on in another blog)
I- There were many ideologies that were used although, the one that was most enhanced was the L.A glamour 'glitzy and beatifull' lifestyle, as on Hills the constant representation that i have noticed as a viewer is that there is emphasis on the celebrity lifestyle often associated with gossip, arguments and shopping whilst maintaing a whole profile social life, this is most likley what young teenagers aspire to be like this, so this can appeal to the target demographic.
R- The representation again is similar to the ideologies, with the L.A lifestyle, when asked Los angles is often associated with celebrities and the impeckable night life, such as the oscars and British Academy of Film and Television Arts awards more commonly known as BAFTA's
A- Audience, the audience of this particular magazine is often in the age range of approximatley 15-30 starting in the late teenager years, most teenagers and young adults watch the hills, with a viewing of 3,929,000.

N- the narrative of this issue of Rolling Stones is basically the layout and codes and coventions that the company use. As i have noticed after looking at various issues of 'Rolling stones' the subject on the cover page is mostly covering the title. I have also noticed that, the title coulour and outline style has been edited according to what issue it is and whose starring as there are some examples beolw where the title has changed in relation to the issue.

Each of theses tites have appeared in different colours, this is a convention used by the magazine as it enables the title colour and the magazine colour scheme to blend in instead of clash!
A solid start to blogging, Tom. Check you have the correct understanding of terminology - Institution refers to the companies who produce the magazines themselves - useful when trying to establish a potential gap in the market.