Sunday, 3 January 2010

Magazine Analysis- Q front cover.

*Selling line at the top portrays its dominance in the market and its popularity.

* "Q" elegant and sleek positioned in the corner of the page.

* Artists- in script writing and Century in plain, these two towards are giving their own lines unlike OF and The which have been positioned on top of each other. This is because these are the key words and it is these which need to stand out.

* Century is a very long time and has a dramatic affect.

*Starring.... Everyone" pause making it more dramatic, Everyone, its over the top, highlighted in red, bold...a statement. It's a big deal.

*'Open up...' makes you want to buy it, it's tempting.

*Artists on the cover, there 11 hinting at its huge contents, all of the characters are taken in long shots so we are able to see their full body and outfits, in some cases such as Amy Winehouse they portray her genre of music.

*A reflecting effect has been used on the floor, making things appear more swift and gentle.

*All eyes are at viewing level.

* Interestingly most are males, an example of a gender dominant magazine.

* 'Exclusive' at the bottom meaning its limited, and only available with this magazine.

*Barcode positioned bottom left, clear and readable not to small.

*All look informal, even though some of the artists are wearing suits they may be wearing trainers, hands in pockets or on hips etc.

* Minimal but effective!

*Not many hooks and plugs, this may be due to Q already being a dominant magazine within the industry not needing to constantly appeal to audiences?

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