NME Magazine:
M- The medium is a magazine.
I- The ideologies of NME; gonzo journalism, punk rock, youthful teenager lifestyle, gigs and live festivals. Also it is the longest published and respected weekly published music magazine.
G- Punk Rock/ Indie.
R- The idea of more individual and unique music, not everything is mainstream within this magazine.
A- I found this from a published atricle about NME, which i simply print screened and cropped.

I- NME was first published in 1952, after the Musical Express and Accordion Weekly was bought by a London music promoter and merged the two together as New Musical Express. it was initially published in a standard paper tabloid format on standard newsprint, in November that year NME created the first UK Singles chart.
N- The Narrative of NME itself is pretty predictable, their is always the logo at the left hand corner and the artists are usually pale with indie/rebellious clothing examples are shown below. The contents page always stays the same, and so do most of the double page spreads.
*Cover-line fonts are the same.
*"NME" is in the same place.
*Barcode is over the right side.
*Further hooks are placed on the left side.
*Band names say centre.
*Both shots are mid close ups.
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